Emotional Support Animals (Bulk)

Course Details

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Emotional Support Animals (Bulk)

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Course Description

Invest in your team and buy in bulk! NAA Members will receive the member discount in addition to the below bulk discounts. Please note, that once the purchase is complete you will receive an email with your attached course codes within 2 business days.  The email will be sent to the email address used at purchase.

Purchase 10-19 Course Codes 10% Off
Purchase 20-34 Course Codes 15% Off
Purchase 35-49 Course Codes 20% Off
Purchase 50 or more 30% Off

Reasonable accommodation requests for assistance animals–including emotional support animals–create challenges for many apartment owners. They affect an owner's ability to assess pet deposits and fees and to apply rules and policies to the requesting resident's animal. Additionally, they expose owners to possible fair housing complaints.

This course will address those issues; specifically, what the implementation of federal policies looks like in practice. This course provides scenarios, frequently asked questions, and many resources the user can download for easy reference.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe how the Fair Housing Act protects renters with disabilities.
  • Identify what is required for reasonable accommodation requests.
  • Define an assistance animal.
  • Compare and contrast emotional support animals and service animals.
  • Explain how federal laws and guidelines govern how apartment management treats assistance animals for renters with disabilities.
  • Describe emotional support animal policies to residents.
  • Implement emotional support animal policies.
  • Reference emotional support animal forms.
Quantity must be 1 or more

NOTE: Courses purchased through Visto cannot be purchased by one user and reassigned to a different user after purchase. Each course must be purchased under the intended User’s profile.